This years Burgoo Fest turned out to be my very best ever. The day was perfect and the crowds were big as ever! I met my avid readers that come by my table every year to get their next book and met a bunch of new readers to which I hope they come back next year to get their next book from me!

Toward the end of the day I met this girl and forgive me, I forgot her name. I am so bad when it comes to names. Anyway, she is a Freshman in High school and she’s the sweetest thing ever. Came by my tent several times and talked with me. Around 4:45 or so, I had all my stuff packed up and ready to go home and she hadn’t come by to buy my book, Night Games. I signed a copy for her and sought her out. As I was walking down the street I met up with her and handed her the book…free of charge. She was ready to purchase it. Had a credit card in hand and I told her to just take it. You should have seen her face! It was a kodak moment. I gave her a hug. Cute…CUTE girl. I love my fans, new and old. This is why I became an author….for the readers themselves. If I make money at it that’s good, but its the readers you meet along your journey that’s worth more than money.

I think it would be cool to have someone create a fan page about my books and I could visit that page and talk to everyone! Answer questions on writing, publishing, etc. Let them know about the latest book coming out and such. How cool would that be?

To end, I want to thank all of you that came out yesterday and a bought a book from me. I hope to see you next year.

Author: Sue Mydliak

I am a published author,artist, illustrator and photographer. I recently had my book published, "Birthright" with Vamplit Publishing, to which I am also the Artistic Director for.

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